Wu Lei passed and shot Gustavo twice, Haigang 8-1 Nantong scored 18 goals in the past three league r

2024-07-27 14:00:14

In the 20th round of the Chinese Super League, Shanghai Haigang faced Nantong Zhiyun at home. In the first half, Nantong goalkeeper Xue Qinghao made a huge mist...

Weicai Kanqiu News In the 20th round of the Chinese Super League, Shanghai Haigang faced Nantong Zhiyun at home. In the first half, Nantong goalkeeper Xue Qinghao made a huge mistake and Gustavo scored twice. Jusa scored the first goal of the season. Wu Lei assisted Vargas to score. The game changed sides again, Wu Lei scored his 23rd goal of the season, Zheng Hao scored a goal with his instep, Xu Xin and Feng Jin made contributions as substitutes, and Oscar was the icing on the cake. In the end, Shanghai Harbor 8-1 Nantong Zhiyun. In terms of standings, Haigang, which has won 16 consecutive games, leads with 5 points, while Nantong continues to be at the bottom with 14 points.

[Key events of the game]

In the 6th minute, Shanghai Harbor pressed high in the frontcourt, causing Nantong defender Liang Shaowen to pass back to the goalkeeper. Goalkeeper Xue Qinghao made a mistake and gave a gift. Gustavo followed up and accepted the gift. Shanghai Harbor led 1-0

Wu Lei passed and shot Gustavo twice, Haigang 8-1 Nantong scored 18 goals in the past three league rounds

In the 14th minute, Chitardini sent a through ball. Gustavo moved forward to resist defender Liang Shaowen, and shot into the net before the goalkeeper could attack to block the ball. Harbor led 2-0

In the 39th minute, Chitardini held the ball with his back in the penalty area and Jusa followed up and scored his first goal of the season. Haigang led 3-0

In the 43rd minute, Wu Lei dribbled the ball from the right side and Wang Shenchao completed the collision against the wall. Wu Lei got the ball forward and then passed it back in an inverted triangle. Vargas, who was outflanked in the middle, easily took the cake and Haigang led 4-0


In the 51st minute, Oscar's low shot in the penalty area was saved, and Wu Lei followed up with a follow-up shot into the net and scored his 23rd goal of the season. Harbor leads 5-0

In the 55th minute, Jia Boyan and Zheng Haoqian completed a 2-over-1 collaboration. The latter broke into the penalty area and got the ball. After getting the ball, he scored in the far corner with an exquisite outside kick. After scoring, Zheng Haoqian, who was born in the Harbor Youth Training School, put his hands together and chose not to Celebrating, the score was rewritten as Haigang 5-1 Nantong

In the 79th minute, the attack on the left side of Haigang was not far away. Gustavo returned to set up a cannon. Xu Xin hit the goal with a heavy shot from the top of the arc and hit Cao Kang with a deflection and scored. Haigang led 6-1

In the 88th minute, Oscar received a direct pass from his teammate and made a counterattack in the inverted triangle. Feng Jin, who was outflanking in the middle, rushed in before the goalkeeper and scored, giving Haigang a 7-1 lead

In the 90th minute, Oscar made a breakthrough in his one-stop show. After teaming up with Wu Lei, he scored a low shot into the net to add icing on the cake. Haigang led 8-1

[Both sides’ starting lineup and substitution information]

Shanghai Harbor starting lineup: 1-Yan Junling, 4-Wang Shenchao, 5-Zhang Linpeng, 13-Wei Zhen (67' 2-Li Ang), 18-Citadini (F) (80' 20-Yang Shiyuan), 22- Matheus Jusa (F) (67' 16-Xu Xin), 32-Li Shuai, 8-Oscar (F), 10-Vargas (F) (62' 27-Feng Jin), 7-Wu Lei, 9-Gustavo (F) (80' 11-Lu Wenjun)

Shanghai Harbor Substitutes: 12-Chen Wei, 6-Cai HuiKang, 23-Fu Huan, 31-Bao Shimeng, 14-Li Shenglong, 33-Liu Zhurun, 45-Liu Xiaolong

Nantong Zhiyun's starting lineup: 23-Xue Qinghao, 15-Liu Wei, 24-Liang Shaowen, 26-Ye Daochi, 2-Wei Lai (46' 13-Song Haoyu), 6-Yang Mingyang (65' 38-Lu Yongtao), 17 -Ji Shengpan, 25-Cao Kang, 30-Rosa (F) (65' 34-Luo Xin), 9-Godinez (F) (46' 37-Jia Boyan), 29-Zheng Haoqian (86' 44-Zhang Yuye) )

Nantong Zhiyun substitutes: 1-Li Huayang, 28-Shi Xiaodong, 18-Jiang Zilei, 20-Anthony (F), 36-Qiu Zhongyi, 43-Hua Ao

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